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Crusader Kings 2 Adopt Feudalism

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Jul 4, 2019

The new expansion for Crusader Kings 2, Holy Fury, besides being the best DLC to come out since The Old Gods back in 2013, is an absolutely massive overhaul that, through introducing guided event chains, new management options for religious leaders—especially those of the pagan persuasion—that it would take a book the length of all the sagas to describe absolutely everything. Jul 13, 2017.

This guide will lead you through the steps necessary to change your government from Feudal to Merchant Republic, specifically on the island duchy of Socotra. Note: This guide can be used in other starts, as will be noted further into the guide itself. This guide is Ironman compatible as it requires no mods to be used.


This guide is meant for players who wish to start Feudal and end up as a Merchant Republic. This guide will also give some tips on how to change ones culture and religion. The example used in this guide will the Emirate of Socotra and how I ultimately formed a Merchant Republic from that start.

Step 1: Choose a Feudal Start That is Near Tribal Counties

First things first, you will want the right start. Due to the methods that will be discussed later on in this guide, you will want to pick your start as a Feudal Duke or Count which lies in close proximity to tribal counties. Also, you will want to be independent for this guide to work, so if you start as a vassal of a larger realm, you will want to become independent.

Step 2: Conquer Enough Tribal Counties until You Have a Duke Tier Title

The next step is to conquer tribal counties until you either:
  • Conquer a tribal duke tier title or:
  • Create a tribal duke title.

I did this as the Emir of Socotra because Socotra starts off as a Duke tier OPM (one province minor) on the island of Socotra. To the north of Socotra lies the duchy of Hadramut, which contains several tribal counties. After building enough strength, I invaded the duchy and took enough counties and the duchy itself. I now held two duchy titles.
Reminder: You will want at least two duchy titles. One that lies in tribal land, and one that lies in your Feudal realm.

Step 3: Build Tier 4 Market City in the Tribal Holding, and Give It to Your Heir

You will just have to wait it out until you have maxed out the Market cities to the 4th tier. While you are doing so, it wouldn't hurt to acquire the other upgrades to the tribal holding.
Once that is completed, give the tribal county to your heir. I would suggest having primogenture succession. Then, when you are close to death, give the duchy tier title to your heir.
Remember, you have to be independent for this to work. Since you have two duke tier titles, giving you heir the tribal county and then the tribal duchy will make him independent of you, but with tribal government.

Step 4: Upon Ruler Death, Your New Playable Character Will Have Tribal Govt

Once you die, your heir will succeed you. As mentioned before, ONLY give your heir the duke tier title when you yourself are close to death. This way, you can hopefully prevent your heir from getting into some war with a neighbor over your heirs land. If you heir loses their counties, this will just reset all of your progress, so it is crucial they don't get into any wars. It helps to have an alliance with them prior to your death, just to decrease the chance of a foreign invasion.
When your heir succeeds you, you (the heir from now on) will retain the Tribal government form. If you (not the heir) had Primogenture succession, or only one heir, then you (the heir) will inherit your tribal lands and the feudal county or counties of your parent.

Final Step: Adopt Merchant Republic Decision (Two Ways)

Finally, you now have two ways to become a merchant republic. Either:
  1. If you have a city in your feudal county, make that the county holding. You can do this by revoking the mayor and right clicking the country and selecting 'Make County Capital'.
  2. If you want to keep your capital in the tribal holding, then make sure to upgrade it to Tier 4 merchant city.

Either way, you now have to pass Tribal Organization laws until you reach Max Tribal Authority. Once that happens, select the Intrigue menu and you should have the option to Become a Merchant Republic.
As Socotra, it actually took me quite some time to reach this stage. Due to the fact that Socotra is an OPM, it took a lot of time to upgrade my feudal castle (and have a ruler with a high enough martial skill) to a point where I had enough levies to successfully win a war against the tribals in Hadramut. This took me at least several generations (in game) before I finally managed to conquer the needed tribal counties. The start as Socotra is fairly difficult, as trying to create a power base in Southern Arabia is difficult. Several more powerful realms exist there, and the threat of the Abbassids or Abyssinians is omnipresent.
In any case, I reached a point where my former playable character was on their death bed, and I gifted my heir the Duchy of Hadramut, making him tribal. When he succeeded his parent, I then made the capital Socotra again. I made the city holding as the 'Capital of the County', and I then had to wait at least 20 in game years before I had Max Tribal Authority and could 'Found a Merchant Republic'.

How I Changed My Culture and Religion as the Emir of Socotra

So, before I had actually founded the Merchant Republic, I wanted to change my culture and religion.
Starting the game, the Emir of Socotra is a Bedouin Nestorian (in the 769 start). As luck would have it, the Messalian heresy arose in Socotra (the only province I had at the time) during my first characters rule. This would've caused a game over if a 'Heresiarch' had revolted, as my characters levies were too poor to fight any possible revolt. So, my first ruler converted to Messalian.
Now, culture conversion can be a little tricky. In my start as Socotra, the Byzantine Empire (and therefore most of the Greek characters) were out of diplomatic range. In order to culture convert your country, you either need to:
  • Change the culture of your heir or;
  • Have one of your directly governed counties be of another culture than your own.

The way I was ultimately able to change my culture from Bedouin to Greek was by allowing my last Feudal ruler (who was female) to marry a Greek lowborn. He was apparently in the court of a ruler in diplomatic range of Socotra and was willing to come to my court. My female ruler then converted him to Messalian, and married him Matrillineally. Once he bore my female ruler a male heir, I made the Greek father the guardian of the heir and made sure to make the heir have the 'Heritage' education. The heir became once he reached the age of 10 or so. This heir was the same one that became a tribal ruler and who I now play as. He founded the Merchant Republic once his mother (the older ruler) died.
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Government types in 1066 (with Horse Lords).

Government type is the form of government that a character lives under or rules by. It dictates the available succession laws and holdings of a character, and some government types have unique mechanics.

There are several ways to change government type during the game. Special decisions allow tribes and nomads to become more 'settled'. Inheriting a title, or dying with a landed heir, can also result in the player experiencing a change in government type.

  • 2Changing government
    • 2.2Between government groups

List of government types[edit]

GovernmentGroupDescriptionSpecial mechanicsSettlements held without penaltiesID tag
FeudalFeudalFeudal government is a government in which the realm is organised around the Feudal system, where power is delegated to nobles who are given grants of land in exchange for troops. Non-Christian feudal rulers require the appropriate religion DLC () to be playable.Not available to Muslims and (Bons or Buddhists) in Tibetan culture groupIf same culturefeudal_government
IqtaFeudalIqta government is similar to feudal; it rules according to the Arabic Iqta system rather than the feudal system. Requires Sword of Islam DLC to be playable.Requires title holder to be Muslim. Realm laws are changed by spending piety. Allows decadence.

without conclave there is no voting on law change.

If same culturemuslim_government
Monastic FeudalFeudalThe Monastic Feudal government is unique to Tibeto-Burmancultures of either the Buddhist or Bön faiths, and allows holding Temples in addition to Castles. Monastic Feudal rulers can also construct Gompa Monastery buildings in Castle holdings. Playable with the appropriate religion DLC: The Old Gods or Jade Dragon for Bön; Rajas of India for Buddhism.Must be (Bons or Buddhists) in Tibetan culture group. Realm laws are changed by spending piety. Gompa monasteries can be built in castles and are active only under this government form.If same culturetheocratic_feudal_government
Chinese ImperialFeudalThe Chinese Imperial government, much like the ordinary Feudal government, revolves around vassals owing fealty to their liege, who in this case is considered to be the divine Child of Heaven, and ruler of all. The Imperial government is unique to those who would claim the throne of China, much to the displeasure of the head of the current Imperial Dynasty, who rules from China proper. The decision to adopt Chinese Imperialism requires the Jade Dragon DLC.Capital move cooldown 200 months. No opinion penalties from wrong government. No opinion penalties from wrong religion even for marriage proposal. Cannot demand conversion. Can revoke duchies and retract vassals without tyranny. Requires Khitan/Tangut/Jurchen culture or Chinese culture group and primary title to be an empire that adopted imperialism. +1 Piety per month. +10 vassal limit. Cannot create Religious mandate law. Cannot be elective.If same culturechinese_imperial_government
Holy OrderFeudalThe most pious followers of their religion might join Holy Orders in an attempt to defend the faith from outside forces. Coming to the defense of any Lord or Lady who might be attacked by infidels, they are the stalwart protectors of the faithful. These orders have strict hierarchies, passing from one leader to next within the order. Since there is no dynastic persistence, holy orders are not playable.Cannot imprison and revoke landed title without just reason. Revoking titles from (holy order holders) and revoking baronies and retracting vassals is considered just. Cannot create or usurp or be granted kingdoms and empires. Holy order vassals give full taxes and levies regardless of opinion.order_government
ImperialFeudalAn Imperial government differs from its feudal counterpart by placing a larger focus on urban areas and a centralized court whose influence affects internal politics. It's available only to the Byzantine and Roman Empires. Councilors and Commanders hold a varying degree of influence, depending on their prestige and competence, which they can use to support or oppose the official heir of the Empire.

(NB: While defined as Feudal, this form of Government is essentially more of a Military Republic and several tooltips even use texts belonging to Merchant Republics, such as ones about usurping kingdoms)

Capital move cooldown 2000 months. Cannot imprison without just reason. Does not get wrong government opinion penalty. Cannot create empires. Cannot usurp empires and kingdoms. Can retract vassals without tyranny. Cannot be granted a kingdom or empire from character with different government.If same cultureroman_imperial_government
NomadicNomadicNomadic government is found in the steppes of central Asia in which the realm is not focused on keeping and holding baronies, but instead moves around in search of new grazing land for horses and other livestock. The only succession law is the Nomad succession law, in which the male relative (uncle, brother, son or nephew) of the same culture with the most prestige inherits.

Whilst nomads can have ordinary vassals, like in the Feudal system, most internal politics is centered around management of the other powerful clans in the realm, who can often rival or outshine the liege in terms of power.Nomadic rulers can only hold the Nomadic capital (a special holding type that is only available to Nomads and exists only in their capital province) without penalty, and gain benefits from having empty land in their realm (increasing their manpower and population, which they use to recruit troops for their horde). Requires Horse Lords DLC to be playable. Non-Christian nomads do not require the relevant DLC in order to play as rulers of certain religions (e.g. The Old Gods for pagans and Zoroastrians). However, if they convert to other government types without converting to a playable religion first, it's game over.

Capital move cooldown 120 months. Cannot construct castles and cities. Calls nomadic vassals to wars. Does not recieve levies or taxes from nomadic vassals. Realm laws are changed by spending prestige. Revocation allowed even without laws. Raiding. Cannot demand conversion. Cannot change culture. De jure law effects ignored. Males can take up to 3 concubines. -4 Commanders. Vassals give max levies and taxes regardless of opinion. Tyranny actions against non-nomads do not incur tyranny penalty with nomads. Nomadic vassals do not take up vassal limit. Ignores religious differences regarding marriage proposals and concubinage. Can pillage owned non-nomadic holdings. Can settle in castles to become feudal, in tribes to become tribal, in coastal cities to become merchant republic. Can abandon provinces.nomadic_government
Merchant republicRepublicMerchant republic is a government in which the realm centers around trade, and leaders are elected from the five patrician families rather than inheriting according to specific laws. Within each family, inheritance is by Seniority, where the oldest member of the family inherits. It is formed when a coastal province has a city as its capital, and the burgher holding the county title receives at least a ducal title. Requires The Republic DLC to be playable.If same culturemerchant_republic_government
RepublicRepublicRepublic is a government in which the ruler is elected from the citizenry. Because there is no dynastic persistence between rulers, Republic governments are not playable.If same culturerepublic_government
Confucian BureaucracyRepublicUsed only by the Western Protectorate. Because each new governor is appointed by China, this government is not playable. In games without Jade Dragon, this government only exists in the 769 bookmark and from February 1227 onwards.Cannot revoke titles and/or imprison without just reason. Does not get wrong religion opinion penalty. Does not get wrong government opinion penalty. Cannot demand conversion. Cannot create kingdoms and empires. Cannot inherit titles unless from appointment. Non-nomadic vassals give max taxes and levies regardless of opinion. Characters with this government are generated with stewardship education and have same culture and religion as the emperor of China.If same cultureconfucian_bureaucracy
TheocracyTheocracyTheocracy is a government in which the realm is ruled by the clergy in the name of religion. Rulers are appointed or elected from the clergy. Since there is no dynastic persistence, theocracy governments are not playable.If same culturetheocracy_government
TribalTribalTribal is a government which is settled but doesn't construct advanced holdings. The only succession law available to unreformed pagan tribes is the Elective gavelkind law, which splits the realm between all the sons of the ruler. Like nomads, tribes benefit from empty land in their realm. Non-Christian tribal rulers require the appropriate religion DLC () to be playable.Tribal vassals take up vassal limit. Can build tribes that cost prestige, but cannot build cities and castles. Allows decadence if Muslim. Allows raiding. De jure law effects are ignored. Males can take up to 3 concubines. Cannot revoke titles from tribal vassals of different religion without tyranny. Taxes and levies from tribal vassals or calling them to arms is determined by tribal organization and independence.tribal_government
LandlessLandlessLandless government refers to people who have no rule whatsoever. It is normally only found on deceased characters who did not hold any titles at the time of death. When found on living characters, it is usually the result of save corruptions in a non-adventurer, and it is called 'nogovernment' in code. As such, it is never playable.

Changing government[edit]

There are several ways to change the government type of the player character or succession line. Hp deskjet 970cse driver for mac.

Crusader Kings 2 Vassals Not Adopting Feudalism

Among feudal governments[edit]

The three basic variants of feudalism are determined by religion and culture:

  • Muslims use Iqta government
  • Bön or Buddhist rulers from a Tibeto-Burman culture use Monastic Feudal
  • All others use standard Feudal

Crusader Kings 2 Adopt Feudalism

Videoscribe for mac crack. Chinese Imperial government can only be adopted by decision. It can be abandoned by having a heir of an ineligible culture, which will create an event where you can choose between converting your heir to your culture or abandoning Chinese Imperial Government. When adopted, the empire title becomes a titular title.

(Roman) Imperial government can only be adopted by having the Byzantine Empire (or Roman Empire) as primary and having Imperial elective succession. The government will change automatically the next time the game checks government eligibility, e.g. after a save and load.

Between government groups[edit]

Crusader Kings 2 Adopt Feudalism


Nomadic decisions[edit]

Settle as a Tribe in To use a nomadic capital, it must have a lv2 council building
  • All (personally held) nomadic counties build tribal holdings
  • The capital is converted to your religion and culture
  • Additional provinces converted per 5000 pop+manpower
  • Vassal khans will settle as tribal along with you
  • Horde troops are disbanded, but gain 200 event troops (140 Light Cavalry and 60 Horse Archers) per fully nomadic province.
  • AI will not use this decision if his capital is in the Steppe region, or he has at least 7 steppes counties in his realm. AI will only take this decision if he has at least 20 counties in his realm.
Settle as Feudal in Muslims may use a mosque instead of a castle
  • All nomadic counties are lost
  • Additional provinces converted per 5000 pop+manpower
  • Horde troops are disbanded, but gain 200 event troops (140 Light Cavalry and 60 Horse Archers) per fully nomadic province.
Found a Merchant Republic in Players are limited to coastal cities
  • All nomadic counties are lost
  • Additional provinces converted per 5000 pop+manpower
  • Horde troops are disbanded, but gain 200 event troops (140 Light Cavalry and 60 Horse Archers) per fully nomadic province.
  • Tribal (or non-lowborn republic) vassals may become patricians.

Tribal decisions[edit]

Main article: Tribalism#Changing_government_type
Adopt Feudalism
  • Peace
  • Organized religion
  • Capital is tribe with Hillfort IV (or a castle)
  • If a vassal:
    • Liege is feudal, republic, or (organized) theocracy
  • If independent:
    • Absolute Tribal Organization
  • Tribes are upgraded to castles
  • Cities and temples may be built
Found Merchant Republic
  • Peace
  • Organized religion
  • Independent
  • Duke or higher
  • Male
  • Capital is coastal
  • Capital is tribe with Market IV (or a city)
  • Tribes are upgraded to cities
  • Castles and temples may be built
  • Tribal (or non-lowborn republic) vassals may become patricians.
  • AI never uses this decision


Inheritance conflictInherit a higher tier title, or die with your heir holding a same rank title.

Note that you cannot grant a kingdom to a ruler with a different government type, so you'll have to arrange for your heir to be independent and able to create the kingdom title themselves, or perhaps press a claim for them instead.

AnySettle a sonConquered settled landStrangely, inheriting a khaganate does not change your heir's government to nomadic. Vassal clans remain vassals but are not very useful.
AnyInherit clan from vassalEmpire rank. Nomads exist.
  1. Press a claim on a khanate, such that you have a vassal clan
  2. Arrange to inherit your vassal's clan

Strangely, inheriting a clan changes your government type to nomadic.

(Does the khan have to be of your dynasty? Because of the claim war outcome, the succession rules, or both? Does this actually work in the same version as the method above for going in the opposite direction??)

Abdicate to mayorDuke, coastal capitalThis method is very fragile and requires taking advantage of several game bugs.
Break Chinese ImperialismEmperor, Jade Dragon DLCThis method also requires taking advantage of several game bugs.

Special methods[edit]

AnyAnyConsole commands Not ironmanThe command set_government can be used to change any character's government type.
AnyAnySelect another character Not ironmanWhile loading a game, you may select another character before clicking 'Play'. The play console command does the same thing, more quickly. You lose your chronicle, score, and list of characters of special interest.

The rule that you must play as your primary heir is rather arbitrary, and voluntarily switching play upon succession may feel better than abusing the game over escape hatch (below).

AnyAnyLose all titles without dyingAnother dynasty member is playableRather than getting game over, you may be transferred to play as another character — even a ToG adventurer! (Works only in previous versions)
AnyForm the Hansa
  • Christian
  • Direct vassal of HRE
  • Own Duchy of Mecklenburg
  • Own County of Lübeck
  • Various other requirements
  • Spend 1000 wealth
  • A city becomes the new capital holding
  • Change government to merchant republic
  • Gain Kingdom of Hansa

You may switch to a new title when:

  • Creating a dynamic crusader state (and choosing to abdicate your old titles)

You may switch to a new character if a dynasty member becomes a ruler due a Crusade:

  • Recipient of the crusade target kingdom (if you were the most participating crusader)
  • Recipient of a dynamic crusader state
  • Winner of a Children's Crusade

See also[edit]

Crusader Kings 2 Should I Adopt Feudalism

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